Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Research and Planning Contents

Most contents pages I have analysed have had a plain white background so that anything that is added, stands out again with high key colours and images. They all have a big title which I will hope to add to my contents page. All three contents pages have at least 3 pictures each followed by cover lines and page numbers. This is another thing that I hope to use. The big page numbers make it easy for readers to skip to the best pages while the cover lines explain what they're about to read.


All of the example magazines given have an identical house style. They each have a logo in the top right corner which is branding the magazine. Again with the same house style they have, most of their cover lines consist of quotes from the celebrities in the picture. This is a great idea for my target audience as this gives them a closer relationship with these celebrities that they most likely fan over. 


These photos explain the most important and common conventions a pop magazine contents page should consist of. This was easy for me to keep looking back and making sure I had the right idea. 

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