Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Research and Planning DPS

When it came to choosing a story for my double page spread, I had many options which could of been:
  • top festivals and concerts- However when thinking about my target audience, I wouldn't expect a child of the age of 8 to read about what festival to go to next year. This was inappropriate for the age group and didn't work well. 
  • celebrity couple- I had two options in this topic, to do a celebrity breakup or a celebrity build up. I decided to do an interview on how the couple met and what their future plans are, in which I thought about very carefully to make it age appropriate and exciting. If I chose to do the celebrity break up, I would of felt this was giving my target audience the wrong impression of relationships, as they would be seen as official roles models, and so i needed to keep it a happy, less dramatic page. 
  • a celebrities way to fame- This was a possible story to do, however this could set my audiences standards really high meaning the future can bring disappointment. On the bright side thought, this would of gained more knowledge on the celebrities life, I just didnt think this is something my audiences would want to read for a main cover story. 
  • get the look of a certain celebrity- Its understandable that of an audience between 8-13 years they will be discovering what kind of personality they want and how they want to look. However I didn't choose to do this as we should teach young teens and children to love the way they look without any celebrity inspiration. I didn't want my magazine to be the blame for crisis later on. 


Both double page spreads have simple white backgrounds with a pop of colour. They also have an interview with a certain celebrity. These are two things I will aim to include into my double page spread. They both also include quotes for their titles. This is to gain a better relationship with the readers as its almost like they are talking directly to the audience. I chose to copy this idea as it came across as friendly and I think my target audience would appreciate this. Also, at the very first stage of creating my magazine, I looked at font sizes and spaces compared to real pre- existing magazines. the outcome of this research was between 8-12pt which is very small. 


This is just an in sight to remind myself what conventions I should be focusing on when creating my double page spread. 

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