Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Preliminary construction

Front Cover: Photoshop

  1. I took a photo of Daniel playing the saxophone and used the lasso tool to crop around him and plot him onto a plain copper coloured background which I got from google.
  2. and then i added photos which I took of the new year 7's while in performing arts. I faded each photo by using 'opacity' and that was the background completed. I had to bring the photo of Daniel to the front so he was centre of attention. 
  3. I then used the type tool to add my heading. the font is in black, and its faded with opacity just like the rest of the background. 
  4. I also added the schools slogan which is 'life in all it's fullness'. this is also written in black Ariel font.
  5. and then I just flattened the layers together to form one photo so it would allow me to upload to my blog. 

Contents Page: Scribus

  1. I used an ordinary photo of a school as my main image, so this indicates what the school will look like, and to hopefully give the impression that it was very important to the magazine. 
  2. I decided to put the school logo in the top right corner as this is what I've seen in many of the school magazines I've been analysing. I think having the logo at the top applies to any type of magazine. 
  3. I added photos of already existing students that looked hard at working or that looked very happy to be there. This makes the readers believe that its a good school and does its job. 
  4. A white background was ideal for a school contents page as I thought it wouldn't interfere with any of the photos or font. 

Double page spread: Publisher

  1. I used two photos from prom that were different sizes to make it more fun and different. I also put 5 stars in the centre so that the readers will believe that prom can be a top event. 
  2. I used speech bubbles that students have said about the event so that its reliable evidence of a good night. I did this with my contents page too and so i followed through with the same theme. 
  3. The bottom right banner shows that the schools holds competitions, and that they promote past winners very well. 

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