Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Double page spread construction

Step 1:

  1. When looking at other double page spreads, I noticed that most of them had white backgrounds. So by having white as the main background colour, this allowed my main image along with the text to been seen. 
  2. I then added two blue boarders so it wasn't too plain. I felt it fitted well as it was subtle, and still added a burst of colour. By adding two pink triangles, this fitted well with my continuous colour theme. 
  3. The page numbers had to be big, but not too bold as I didn't particularly want these to stand out. These were only to indicate very clearly what page they was on.

Step 2: 

  1. I then went onto thinking about my title as this would be the first thing my audience will see. It had to be intriguing, big and bold. I chose black and pink as as together they worked well, it was girly but added a tad of rebellion. By using two colours for a title it wasn't as plain.
  2. Thinking about what story I should have for my double page I decided it would be a good idea to have the main cover line of my front cover, transformed onto my double page spread. 
  3. Then to compliment the two blue boarders, I added another one on the middle to separate the title and the story. This also didn't confuse the caption with the text below it.
  4. I got the inspiration to use a questionnaire from another magazine I analysed, and using the same colour pink highlighted the questions so the young audience can understand the difference. 

Step 3:

  • Here I inserted an image through an image box, to then shrink it, and change the opacity from 100% to 50% so it didn't stand out as much as my main image. I know that in some circumstances less means more, and I think by having the second image displayed in this way, just adds to the finishing look. 

  1. I decided to attract my audience even more, to add a twitter logo, in which it had the magazines twitter page, and a hashtag so they had the choice to get involved in the pages story. Then right next to it I also did a tiny advertisement, which consisted of the readers having the chance to win tickets to the celebrities tour. This was a big bonus to my magazine as teenagers love to win stuff, they like to go to concerts and be involved in music. 
  2. The magazines I have been analysing have had no more than 3 photos on their double page spread. And so I decided I wanted one main image and then a little image that was faded to compliment it.

 Step 4:

  1. I wanted my main image to pop, and be the centre of attention. To do this i mol had one option which was to make it fit the whole of one side. This is how the more modern magazines are layed out. 
  2. I added a caption on top of the photo to indict it was their first photo shoot together. I had to apply a white box as if I didn't the text would fade in with the models black jacket. However this added colour and covered the dark colour making it seem brighter and youthful. 
  3. And then to finish my double page spread, I included a heart with the models names in to emphasise that they are in love, and considering my audience are young, this is the type of thing school girls would do anyway. This worked well with my audience and I think they would be able to relate to this. I got the idea of combining the celebrities names from real celebrities such as Kim and Kanye to make Kimye. This is just a fun idea and makes the celebrities memorable as a couple. 

Possible photos

  • When taking these photos, I enjoyed going along in a group to play around with the camera. I held the camera for a while and came out with these three photos. 

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