Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Mise en scène: costume, makeup, setting, lighting 

I have chosen a screenshot from CSI which is a crime TV drama, and focusing on how Mise en scène makes it realistic based on the 4 things listed above.

All of the costumes are realistic, like glamorous dresses and suits which can be seen as modern, and this makes it look like an ordinary night in a casino. None of the clothing is over the top. 

The makeup in this screenshot is clearly the blood on the victims shirt. This makes all the different to 'realism' of the photo as it shows the guy is hurt, and has been murdered. If this makeup was not there then it wouldn't look realistic. In most crime scenes there is usually blood visible. 

Its set in a casino full of people including 3 police officers. What makes the setting is the crime scene banners that has blocked everyone away from the scene. This has also made it realistic as its a busy place. In any real crime scene there will be banners etc. blocking it off for inspecting, and so this makes the scene seem real to viewers.

The lighting is mostly coming from the casinos machines and TVs which is realistic considering its set in a casino. This will come across normal to the audience as this is generally what casinos lighting would look like. Big and bright completes the lighting. 

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