Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Contents page process

Step 1: 

  1. The background has still kept up with the colour theme used from my front cover. I didn't want a plain background, so i used shapes with comes across as young and playful. 
  2. Every contents page has a page number, usually in the bottom left corner, so i followed this convention so my readers could easily follow through with the rest of my magazine. 
  3. As for my title, i added a blue box to so that the font could stand out. It again adds even more colour to the page. When analysing "we love pop" magazine i noticed they always had their masthead in the top right corner. I followed this idea as it would always remind the reader of what magazine they are reading. Also it gives more of a chance of them remembering the logo for the future. 

Step 2:

  1. I then went onto making the contents box. Having the numbers bigger makes it clear to the readers what page that story is on. As they are a young audience they won't want to be thinking even more and finding what page that cover line is on. 
  2. Even though i had a shape presenting they receive a free poster inside, i wanted to remind them again as this will keep up the excitement. A young audience will love freebies etc. 

Step 3:

  1. For the rest of my cover lines, i decided to include photos so the contents page wouldn't loose the audiences interest. If they get lots of writing all on one page they will easily get bored just at the sight of it. Photos fill up the page and make it seem more colourful. One photo is bigger than the other which is found on page 8, as this is the storyline that will be presented onto my double page spread.
  2. Then to continue using big page numbers to show clearly the page they will find it on. 

Possible photos

  • I didn't use this photo as it looked more scary than fun. The idea of paint across the face was meant to come across playful, youth and friendly, but it didn't turn out as hoped. 

  • For this photo the model has a good strong pose, but i chose not to use this on my contents as he has no eye contact, neither is he smiling. This comes across as he isn't as interested as he could be. But he does match unto the typical requirements of a pop idol. 

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