Candidate Number: 3038
Candidate Name: Chloe Bowen
Centre Number: 29330
Centre Name:Blessed Robert Johnson Catholic College

Friday, 8 May 2015

Double page spread process

Step 1:

  1. When looking at other double page spreads, i noticed that most of them had white backgrounds. So by having white as the main background colour, this allowed my main image along with the text to been seen. 
  2. I then added two blue boarders so it wasn't too plain. I felt it fitted well as it was subtle, and still added a burst of colour. By adding two pink triangles, this fitted well with my continuous colour theme. 
  3. The page numbers had to be big, but not too bold as i didn't particulary want these to stand out. These were only to indicate very clearly what page they was on.

Step 2: 

  1. I then went onto thinking about my title as this would be the first thing my audience will see. It had to be intriguing, big and bold. I chose black and pink as as together they worked well, it was girly but added a tad of rebellion. By using two colours for a title it wasn't as plain.
  2. Thinking about what story i should have for my double page i decided it would be a good idea to have the main cover line of my front cover, transformed onto my double page spread. 
  3. Then to compliment the two blue boarders, i added another one on the middle to separate the title and the story. This also didn't confuse the caption with the text below it.
  4. I got the inspiration to use a questionnaire from another magazine i analysed, and using the same colour pink highlighted the questions so the young audience can understand the difference. 

Step 3:

  1. I decided to attract my audience even more, to add a twitter logo, in which it had the magazines twitter page, and a hashtag so they had the choice to get involved in the pages story. Then right next to it i also did a tiny advertisement, which consisted of the readers having the chance to win tickets to the celebrities tour. This was a big bonus to my magazine as teenagers love to win stuff, they like to go to concerts and be involved in music. 
  2. The magazines i have been analysing have had no more than 3 photos on their double page spread. And so i decided i wanted one main image and then a little image that was faded to compliment it.

 Step 4:

  1. I wanted my main image to pop, and be the centre of attention. To do this i mol had one option which was to make it fit the whole of one side. This is how the more modern magazines are layed out. 
  2. I added a caption on top of the photo to indict it was their first photo shoot together. I had to apply a white box as if i didn't the text would fade in with the models black jacket. However this added colour and covered the dark colour making it seem brighter and youthful. 
  3. And then to finish my double page spread, i included a heart with the models names in to emphasise that they are in love, and considering my audience are young, this is the type of thing school girls would do anyway. This worked well with my audience and i think they would be able to relate to this. I got the idea of combining the celebrities names from real celebrities such as Kim and Kanye to make Kimye. This is just a fun idea and makes the celebrities memorable as a couple. 

Possible photos

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Contents page process

Step 1: 

  1. The background has still kept up with the colour theme used from my front cover. I didn't want a plain background, so i used shapes with comes across as young and playful. 
  2. Every contents page has a page number, usually in the bottom left corner, so i followed this convention so my readers could easily follow through with the rest of my magazine. 
  3. As for my title, i added a blue box to so that the font could stand out. It again adds even more colour to the page. When analysing "we love pop" magazine i noticed they always had their masthead in the top right corner. I followed this idea as it would always remind the reader of what magazine they are reading. Also it gives more of a chance of them remembering the logo for the future. 

Step 2:

  1. I then went onto making the contents box. Having the numbers bigger makes it clear to the readers what page that story is on. As they are a young audience they won't want to be thinking even more and finding what page that cover line is on. 
  2. Even though i had a shape presenting they receive a free poster inside, i wanted to remind them again as this will keep up the excitement. A young audience will love freebies etc. 

Step 3:

  1. For the rest of my cover lines, i decided to include photos so the contents page wouldn't loose the audiences interest. If they get lots of writing all on one page they will easily get bored just at the sight of it. Photos fill up the page and make it seem more colourful. One photo is bigger than the other which is found on page 8, as this is the storyline that will be presented onto my double page spread.
  2. Then to continue using big page numbers to show clearly the page they will find it on. 

Possible photos

  • I didn't use this photo as it looked more scary than fun. The idea of paint across the face was meant to come across playful, youth and friendly, but it didn't turn out as hoped. 

  • For this photo the model has a good strong pose, but i chose not to use this on my contents as he has no eye contact, neither is he smiling. This comes across as he isn't as interested as he could be. But he does match unto the typical requirements of a pop idol. 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Front cover process

Step 1:


  1. First i chose a bright colourful background that wasn't too bright to take over the masthead, but colourful enough to catch the buyers eye, and to really bring on the pop genre theme. To do this   i chose a pale turquois colour from the colour pallet, and from here i knew that would be adding turquois in my colour theme.   


Looking at the magazines i have analysed such as 'we love pop' magazine, i decided that for my masthead i needed it to stand out, and again such a bright background i thought that a white box would be suitable to do so. To come up with the name of my masthead, i know i wanted to use the word 'pop' as this immediately lets the audience know that the genre is pop, and the masthead name will be easy to grasp for young buyers. The name is almost like a play on word.
  1. To do so, i used the rectangle tool to create a white rectangle, in which i filled the border with back using the paint bucket tool. This to me creates a simple standard foundation ready for my masthead to form onto. 
  2. To create the masthead, i thought it would be a clever idea to interpret 'pop art font' onto my magazine, as i know that this attracts young audiences, its fun and very in your face, and it also fits very well with my genre. For the words 'pop starz' i wanted the colours to be very similar as blue was one of my main colours in my pallet. I used the font 'Bangers' in 100pt. I thought this font was very pop art, and really stood out when i edited the words layers.
  3. To edit the words layers, i right clicked to start editing. I didn't want the  masthead to look flat on the page, and so i 'beveled' it to 103px. This gave it that pop art effect. I also gave it a glow so it looked like the light was shining on it, almost giving it the feel that the masthead is in the spotlight, this made it look less flat. To get the black border around the font, i used 'stroke' 59xp which really made it noticeable against my blue background. Obviously to get the words matching i did exactly the same for both.
  4. Taking inspiration from the magazine 'we love pop' i though that to add that bit extra, a heart would be ideal for young eyes. To do this i used the custom shape tool which created the heart shape as it is. I then used the colour pallet to pick a bright colour. Looking at other pop magazines i noticed there was a lot of pink used that really made that magazine look the part. Once again i edited the layer style in which i 'beveled' to the size 125xp. Without this it looked flat and unnoticeable. 

Step 2:

Main Image:

  1. For my main image i used the polygonal lasso tool to cut around her. It was very hard to cut around her hair and so I've decided to cover certain parts to hide the sharp edges. When i moved the cut out onto my background, it looked very flat and it didn't look as good as it should. This was due to the lack of shadow and smoothness. So to do this i edited the layer style and used the 'drop shadow' to add a shadow in the highest size 250xp, distance is 49xp, and the opacity was 80xp. 

Selling Line:

I know a lot of the magazines i have analysed have had a selling line, but they more or less sounded all the same. I knew i wanted some kind of selling line but i wanted to be a bit different. Instead of used the standard sentence saying its the uk's number one mag, i decided to write what is guaranteed in the magazine, things that girls of a young age will enjoy reading about. 
  1. To create the yellow rectangle i used the rectangle tool which i filled the bottom of my mag with ready for words to be added. I used the brighter yellow there was as i noticed on a lot of pop music magazines aimed at young teens, lots of yellow was used, again i took inspiration from 'we love pop'. I didn't think it was necessary to edit the layer style as it was right at the bottom that went from side to side, it wasn't noticeable. 
  2. I then added words to it, almost as a list to indicate this is what you are expecting in the magazine. I used the font 'Bangers' once again just in a smaller font so it wouldn't look out of place with the rest of the writing. Black to me is very plain and simple, but it was the one colour that fitted perfectly against a yellow border. To add a bit of colour to my selling line, i decided to use bright pink forward slashes to separate the different topics. I thought about my target audience here and what would they want in a magazine. And finally i came up with the main 6 things i think went well. 
I quickly added a barcode from the internet as it filled space up. I did consider whether to put it on the front and if so where to put it, but most magazines had the barcode either on the left/right bottom corner. 

Step 3:


I thought that when aimed at such a young audience, it would be a lot easier to sell a magazine when they free the word 'FREE'. I made it clear that it was a free poster of 'Eliza' which is the girl as my main image. This would encourage them to buy this magazine as it may be their idol, but most of all kids love posters and they are popular and ideal for this target audience. 

  1. To do the shape, i used the cookie cutter tool, and then went to the top of the page to choose a suitable shape. I have noticed that on any type of magazine, whether it be a music mag, food, women, TV mag etc, anything free has more or less been in the shape of a star. As i wanted to keep my colour palette to a certain amount of colours i used the eyedropper tool to select the colour from my yellow border at the bottom of the page, to then use as my star colour too. This is so i don't have different shades of yellow. 
  2. As many of the things i have used so far i have had to edit their layer style so they didn't look so flat and unbearable. I used the drop shadow to give it a bit more colour, depth and shadow to it. I beveled it to make it pop more. I knew that to put this is the top right corner next to the masthead would be a good idea as this is mostly likely to be at eye level, and will be the thing that they most likely look at next. 
I dont define the clothing to be advertisement as such, but i thought it worked well as to an extent it was trying to sell the clothes that were supposedly 'in fashion for that season'. When the buyer reads what clothing is in fashion and individual clothing form a particular seller such as 'new look and H&M' this will make the buyer want to go and buy those clothes. I came up with the cover line 'fashion to fall for this summer' as it really is believable and intriguing. I left this cover line as it was as the black font 'Impact' didn't seem to make a difference to how flat it looked.

Step 4:

I thought it was very important that the main cover line was the name of the girl in my main image. My colour pallet i have again stuck to certain colours, i chose a bright pink as it stood out against her black jumper, it also compliments the heart in my masthead.

  1. I used the font 'Impact' as this was simple and easy to read. I faux italic to slightly slant it, which is in the same motion as her head. The size is 108pt and i used the eyedropper tool to select the pink colour from the heart. This is helpful so i don't have different coloured pinks, it works well having no more than 5 colours that are the same. 
  2. I edited the layer style to bring it out more and make it look like it is the main cover line. To do this i used bevel 48px, and stroke 32px to give it a slight black border. I knew it was very important for the main cover line to stand out and this is the main tory line in the magazine. I made it slightly smaller than the masthead as its not quite important, so i placed it in the middle of the front cover which is where they are found most. 
  3. The cover line beneath it 'rises to the top again' sounds very achieving, and this is part of the main cover line story. I beveled this in the size 29xp and used the font 'Impact' the same as the main cover line. This is so they didn't contrast closely together and look out of place. I chose to use white as it was the only colour that made the writing stand out against her black jumper and red hair. 

Step 5:

White Box:

I thought that having a white box to put the cover lines on will make them easier to read and would fill the page up more.
  1. I used the rectangle tool to form the rectangle, and then used the colour pallet to make it white. 
  2. Then in this box i have two cover lines that indicate what current celebs have said to the magazine company. These are two story lines that are to be read in the magazine. I decided to highlight the celebs names in blue as this one of my main colours, and also this would make it clear to young readers who has said it. And then underneath are the speech marks. I chose back as most of my cover lines are in black, it stood out well against the white background, and also it complements her black jumper.

Other Cover Lines:

  1. 'QUICK TURN TO PAGE 12' is almost like an order, and as its aimed at young teens, they will more than likely turn to page 12 without even thinking about it. It is is capitals so it comes across as more of an order compared to the other cover lines. I used the font 'Impact' in size 24pt. I thought that i had already at this point used a lot of white, and black was clear to read against the blue background. To make it clear what page to turn to, i thought it would be a good idea to make it stand out with a pink box. To do this is used the rectangle tool, and then used the eyedropper tool to take the pink from the heart in my masthead, to use as the box colour. This is so the pink is spread out evenly across the magazine and it looked better to have one shade of pink. Black writing didn't stand out as much against this pink box, and so i changed the font to white which was a bit different but it worked very well. So the box didn't look so flat on the page, i edited the layer style to use bevel 46px. 
  2. '7 PAGES OF HARRY AND MEG' i think is a good cover line as it clearly states how many pages in the magazine is going to be about Harry and Meg which are also celebs. This will appeal to young teens if they are a fan of these two celebs, as 7 pages can include lots of information. To change up the black font, i chose to write in the same pink as the heart in my masthead using the eyedropper tool. And then underneath 'HARRY AND MEG' are in white and underlined in the font 'Impact' 26pt just like the rest of the cover lines. 

Step 6:

Even More Cover Lines:

I have around 8 cover lines, and so i felt the need to change them in some way so they didn't all blend together, even though it would look very sophisticated that way, my genre 'pop' was screaming out to be bright bold and different. 
  1. 'MUST SEE PHOTOS' sounds very intriguing, and i thought it would be very effective for young teens. To do the shape i used the ellipse tool to create a circle, in which i stretched to make it more of an egg shape. I wanted to place this shape here so it would hide the sharp edges of the white box behind it. I chose purple as its bright and it fitted well with the rest of the colours i have used. The font is 'Bangers' the same as my masthead font. 
  2. I did the same for the second circle which says 'MY MOST REVEALING INTERVIEW YET'. This is very captivating, and will entice young readers to buy the magazine. White writing stood out the most against purple. 

Step 7:

  1. When i came to making my double page spread, i found it was easier to have the main cover line match my story on the double spread. And i decided to change the cover line from "rises to the top once again" to "it was love at first sight". This gives me the opportunity to go into more detail about a celebrity couple on my double page spread. 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Virtigo Films: analysis of 4 posters

Spring Breakers

Overview: The colours used are bright, bold, and have a summer feel to them. This indicates that the film could be based around the summer, this is supported by the 4 girls wearing bikinis and the guy wearing a tropical Hawaiian top. The background is bright blue, almost like a swimming pool with palm trees faded out with a low opacity. "party of beaches" is displayed on the bottom of the poster so the audience can recognise the film is based on parties, summer, and its also a play on word for 'bitches'. The play on word/swear word really links well with the gun that the guy is holding. This is because we can now agree it involves crime of some sort and gives a warning without having to display one for a main specific audience. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audience: I think by looking at this poster, the target audience are late teens+ that like the thought of parties, women, crime, and hot weather. 
There are 3 main stars used on this poster that will stand out to the right audience: Selena Gomez, James Franco, and Vanessa Hudgens. On the poster there is a 4 star rating from critics so the audience can recognise it is a highly recommended film. To gain the audiences attention, there are bikini bodies on show, almost seductive facial expressions with eyes all shining forwards. 
Evaluation: This is an effective poster as it gives a clear image to whats it could be based on, it has a clear target audience that they can connect with through the images and words used. The genre can be seen as a comedy/action due to the facial expressions and props e.g. the gun that is used. This poster has definitely mad eke want to go and see the movie due to the USP stars used on the cover, the 4 star rating, and all of the images linked together give off a real feel for the film. 

Street Dance 2

Overview: The colours used are dark, simple, colour co-ordinated but with a glow to it. In the background we can see popular landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben. This can indicate to the audience that the film involves lots of traveling to big cities. The title gives off a lot of information to what the film is based around. When i look at this poster i can straight away see a male and female dancer that are in a close intimate dance position. This may seem to the audience that there will be romance between the two as the film progresses. 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audience: The target audience i think are for anybody who enjoys street dance, whether its dancing themselves or to watch groups do fabulous performances, this poster gives a clear image to what its target audience is. This poster gives off a fun, upbeat, friendly feel to it. This poster sells the film easily due to it being in 3D.
Evaluation: This poster is effective as it gives off the genre very well, and also what the film is expecting to be about. This poster does make me want to see the film, because of the famous landmarks in the background, i think its a good feature to have on a poster that is aimed at people who love traveling. 


The Sweeney

Overview: The colours used on this poster are quite dull, sophisticated and this is helpful when showing what genre it is. The only bit of colour on the poster is the red car at the bottom, along with that is a fire explosion of orange. Also there is the St Mary Axe which is a famous landmark in London, which shows where the setting is. 'act like a criminal to catch one' gives the audience an idea that crime is involved and there will be a lot of chasing around, which could hence the cars on the bottom of the poster. Props used are all 3 stars on the front holding guns. This also shows the crime that is indicated to happen.They wear black clothing to show the mysteriousness off them, in which the back to characters do not look at the camera, indicating the man at the front staring forward is the main guy in the film. 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audience: This poster shows a clear target audience as it looks quite violent with the props used, the colours that are used and the stars that are shown look quite dangerous. 
On this poster is Plan B which is very famous for his music, and he is used as a USP to sell to the audience. 
This poster promised crime, violence, danger, action which again shows the clear target audience is aimed at young adults+. The attention is gained from the 3 characters on the front, they cover half of the poster and are posing in all different directions. Then the rest of the attention then goes to the car which is the only colourful thing on the poster to maybe to with the tagline 'to catch one'. 
Evaluation: This is an excellent poster that will make the audience want to watch this film. The target audience has a clear age limit to it, the tag line shows that the gene dis an action film involving lots of crime and action. This poster makes me want to go and watch the film straight away, as if the audience are after a good action film, they would expect to see criminals, explosions, guns and dark gloomy colours. This poster displays all of these features. 



Overview: The main colour of this poster is blue but it has a glow to what looks like planet earth. The only colour that is really used is blue, and according to google "Blue is the colour of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body." Anybody who knows the famous Steven Hawking as a person, knows that he is the cleverest man in the world, and so the earth is a clever feature to put on a poster. Also the low opacity is of two other people in the background which could indicate 'Hawking' when he was young, a young man, and then him in the middle as he is now. 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Audience: The target audience seems to be for teens+ and whoever seems interested in adventure, creativity and love. 
This poster sells the film very well as Steven Hawking is very well known, and is used as a USP star. This poster also includes 3 expert witnesses' reviews. 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Mise-En-Scene Homework

Harry Potter Clip


In this clip, the lighting has a very low light to it, which includes flashing lights every few seconds that could represent lightning from outside. By doing this, it gives this scene a gloomy effect and gives off the impression that its quite a dangerous scene. For example, when you picture bad weather, nobody thinks of happy peaceful times, whereas bad weather sort of represents a more darker side to things and helps it get across in this way. This helps the audience create a picture of the bad weather and links well with the bad situation Hermione is in here.


This scene is located in a large bathroom which has fire torches on the walls. This could mean that its set in an old fashioned era, or in general an old building. This setting fits very well with the situation happening because toilets are known for privacy and peaceful moments. The audience will know this too and comes across that something will go wrong here. Another point for it being set here is there is the opportunity for water pipes to explode from the violence of the troll (which does happen). This creates tension for the audience and goes onto a whole new level.


The colours in this scene are very bland and dull. They are very gloomy which sets the mood for the event to happen. This indicates to the audience that this is a tense part and helps recognize what could happen in this scene with the troll.

The costume is very important in this scene as it shows its being set in a school of some sort. The uniform is very unique but all 3 students are wearing it. The ogre is also part of the costume and makeup as he looks as real as he can get. This helps the audience believe and get a good feeling for the scene and the characters in it. The props used can start from the sinks, to the magic wands they use, and these help bring everything together. Without props, the audience wouldn't be as drawn to the film, and it would be quite hard to watch and understand.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Motivated editing
A motivated edit or motivated cut as it is also known, is when the scene cuts to another scene or object that was not in the previous frame. This is done in a discreet manner so as not to come off as jarring to the audience or break the illusion of continuity.